🤳🏽 Texting Myself is an ongoing series of performance pieces of my unedited phone notes. My aim is to resist the sometimes overly pious inclination of poetry readings, to practice taking myself less seriously, and unlearn the instinct of perfectionism. It is always semi-improvisational, and mega-embarrassing. Each group of notes is only performed in this format once.
July 22, 2021
- A tweet that just says: “marvin gaye was right, what the fuck is going on????”
- I’d wear the white boots for you
- A season of severing. And that’s that! There’s nothing else to say.
- The sensation of going over a bridge when it’s dark out
- “I think that three mikes hards lemonades are stronger than any psychedelics you can buy”
- [REDACTED]: 4 drafts of a text where I ask someone to dinner
- Hannah. Peony. Dahlia. Marigolds.
- describing someone’s eyes as “Infinite lagoon”
- Two things I won’t be writing about:
- eating a popsicle in your bed
- eating a nectarine in your bed
- An unsustainable holding pattern
- “It would mean a lot if you messaged first”
- Do you think it’s a bad idea to make my tinder profile simply say, “fuck around, find out?”
- Is Blackness inherently a queering or is that just how we position it in this world made for
not-us? it reforms and remakes itself but also is a construct.
- “I guess I don’t really like, know about meats?”
- “You are the best moisturizer” as a compliment